Description: our mission is simple – to provide an ultra-hygienic nails and waxing lounge in a serene environment. we provide each client with a new disposable emery board, buffer, and pumice stone during their manicure and pedicure services. these are one-time-use tools, which will be discarded after each service, unless the client opts to take these items home. in addition, we implements a three-step sterilization process to sterilize all metal clippers, pushers, and nippers. we sterilization process is done through an autoclave, which is typically used in dental and medical offices for the cleaning and sterilization of surgical tools. our waxing procedures adhere to the strictest hygiene standards in the industry. mint utilizes hard and soft waxes for sensitive areas and disposable, low-temperature soft wax for larger parts of the body. our hard wax are made from natural beeswax and are used at low temperature. our white gloves and no double dipping policy ensure that sanitation is never compromised. welcome to our salon . it’s surprisingly refreshing.